Winter 2021 Updates

We have been busy in the greenhouse, seeding early spring produce, keeping an eye on our strawberry plants (covered safely under row covers right now), and doing some shop and equipment maintenance and repairs at the farm. Over the next couple of months, our greenhouse tomatoes will start to ripen and we will begin planting early spring produce in the ground. March is generally when we have to start thinking about frost protecting strawberries, if/when we have late frosts or freezes after there are blooms on the plants.

It is still too early to tell when we will begin picking berries and open at the farm, but as always, we will keep you updated! Most of the time we can count on late April, but of course that is weather- and crop-dependent. We are excited for our 21st year of strawberries and to see all of your smiling faces again! Until then – 

Your family’s farmers–Kenneth, Ken, and Matt