4/14/2022 – Rudd Farm Info
Hi, friends! We aren’t open at the farm yet, but here’s some important info for when we do open!
We have new hat colors and shirts that will be available for purchase when we open our drive-thru! Adult hat colors: red/white/blue; red/white; heather gray/Stars & Stripes mesh. A limited number of youth size hats will be available in solid navy. We had Memorial Weekend and July 4th in mind with this “America” collection of our leather patch hats. We will have different colors later in the summer/fall, so get these while they last! Our new shirts are the extremely soft Comfort Colors, 100% cotton t-shirts that are currently available in light blue, unisex sizes S-3XL.

- During strawberry season, our farm will operate on a drive-thru only basis, just like the last two years. You will enter the driveway, remain in your car and stay to the right. You will be directed where to drive. On very busy days the drive-thru line winds down to our strawberry fields and circles back around to our shop building. Once in line, a Rudd Farm staff member will come to your window to take your order. An order slip will be placed on your windshield, and you will continue to pull forward where you will then pay and your berries will be loaded in your car for you.
- IMPORTANT: Credit card transactions will be limited to one per vehicle. This is due to traffic volume and needing to move our drive-thru as efficiently as possible. If you have multiple orders in one vehicle, paying all together is much appreciated. Multiple cash transactions are okay (the card machines tend to be slower). We accept cash and all credit cards except for American Express. We do not accept personal checks.
- Some days we may have a limit on the number of baskets customers are able to get; this will be a limit per vehicle (any limits for the day will be posted on social media).
- We will not be open for customer picking this year.
- Prices:
Large (4-quart) baskets of berries: $18
Quart of berries: $6
Rudd Farm cookbooks: $10
Rudd Farm strawberry jelly: $5
Leather patch hats: $20
T-shirts: $20
- Daily updates with available items, opening and closing times will be posted daily on our Facebook and Instagram pages (no daily updates via email). You may also call our farm number (336-621-1264) to hear a recording with that day’s information.
- In the coming weeks we will also begin to have greenhouse tomatoes and other spring produce such as kale, broccoli, lettuce, etc., as well as eggs from Ward’s and local honey; we will let you know as those become available.
We are so excited for our 22nd year of strawberries at Rudd Farm! Thank you, as always, for supporting us and bearing with us as we navigate Mother Nature and the unpredictable first couple of weeks of the season. Our farmers are passionate about growing strawberries and we strive to bring you the very best! We hope to see you all soon! Remember to check social media or give us a call for any updates.
Your family’s farmers,
the Rudds